Thursday, October 4, 2012

Gundam G: Shuffle Alliance Project

Finally started my Gundam G Project, one of my ultimate childhood fetish i say. The TV series aired way back 1998 or 1999 in the Philippines, It actually became popular then due to the unusual format, I can really help to compare the concept of the story with Street fighter wherein each countries have an MS which represents them on a global tournament. Of course I cant help to notice the bizarre designs of the Gundams in relation to the animators stereotyping :D

As of September I finally got my hands with some old kits, which was originally released 1994; namely Gundam Maxter of Neo America and Gundam Devil of Neo Japan (awfully rare). Hopefully I'll be done with this by December, got pre-orders coming with Rose and Bolt, thou it really is a challenge finding Dragon Gundam. How i wish Bandai would pursue doing the MG lines, only Shining,God,Master and Speigel made it >.< 

Jet set target-Shuffle Alliance! 
~Gundam fight ready Go!!!!

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